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Grass Roots community grants

A group of toddlers and pre schoolers in bright clothing smile with their carers

CBH’s Grass Roots Community Grants provide financial assistance to WA grain growing communities for projects and events which contribute to the health and vitality of their community.

Types of projects we fund

Community-related events
(Maximum funding limit: $5,000)

Small scale infrastructure projects
(Maximum funding limit: $10,000)

Is your proposal right for CBH?

Applications are assessed on the following criteria
  • Located within a core grain growing community in WA
  • Fit with CBH's purpose, values and behaviour (please review the below list for what we do not fund)
  • Contribute to the vitality, development, wellbeing and/or safety of grain growing regions
  • Promote a positive image of agricultural industry and as an employer
  • Have value, relevance and credibility to our growers, customers, CBH and/or its employees
  • Promote the development of future community and industry leaders
In order to meet our Community Investment Fund objectives, it is CBH's policy not to fund the following
  • 100% of the costs of any project
  • Requests from individual persons
  • Fundraising events, individual or team requests which are focused on fundraising for a third party
  • Groups or events that do not directly benefit grain growing regions
  • Public or private companies
  • Funds contributing to or for wages and salaries
  • Project management, advertising and marketing costs
  • Funds for transportation vehicles or maintenance for transportation vehicles (e.g cars, vans, buses, trailers etc.)
  • Government entities cannot apply for funds for events
  • Religious purposes
  • Political groups, parties or donations
  • Events or projects which may encourage unsafe behaviour
  • Administration costs or activities requiring ongoing operating funds that create financial dependency of the CBH Group
  • Travel, accommodation, etc. for costs relating to groups to travel and participate in events.
  • Indirect fundraising activities, i.e. charity golf days, signage, advertising
  • Organisations in an existing Corporate Partnership with the CBH Group
  • Prize money
  • Funds for meals or alcohol
  • Projects or events related to gambling or gambling related activities  
  • Projects or events that have commenced or been completed (i.e. events or projects cannot commence prior to the closing date or completion of the notification period)


Next round will be opening 1 February 2025

Please be aware

  • Applications are open from 1 to 28 February and 1 to 31 August each year. 
  • The application form is only available during the above periods.
  • Late applications or applications outside of rounds will not be accepted. 
  • Incomplete applications will not be assessed.
  • Successful applicants may be required to submit an invoice upon request prior to receiving payment.

For further assistance email

Grass roots stories

Learn about stories of some of the groups that have received funding in the past

Enquire about our community investments

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